Save Money by Improving Tantalum Yields

One of the simplest ways to cut tantalum expenses is to
improve your yields and reduce the amount of scrap you generate.
- Why order material in typical rectangular sheet sizes and cut circles out yourself?
- Why order plates oversized so you can machine to tolerances yourself?
- Why machine parts from square bricks when you can order near finished custom shapes?
Admat specializes in custom shapes and sizes. Whether it’s round, oval, or an octagon with
a square hole, Admat can machine or cut to your requirements. Because the scrap is kept internal to the
manufacturing plant, it maintains a higher value and therefore saves you money.
Tight tolerances are nothing new to Admat. We will review your requirements and quote
you a price on a product that we stand behind.
Speak with our sales department today and find out how Admat
can improve your tantalum yields.
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